Needham Children’s Center is patiently waiting completion of our new and very special child care center at 1688 Central Ave. Take a drive by with your family to see all the progress.
Making Progress!
2023-2024 Highlights
So far this school year, NCC has visited the Great Wave Exhibit at the MFA, stopped by our brand new building to see the construction in progress, ran a turkey trot race, enjoyed outside time together on the playground, held a bake sale to benefit program scholarships for our friends at Needham Plugged In while learning math and social skills, and MORE!
The Needham Children’s Center, Inc. is accredited by the NAEYC Academy of Early Childhood Programs (NAEYC).
NAEYC administers the largest and most widely recognized national, voluntary, professionally sponsored accreditation system for all types of early childhood schools and child care centers. NAEYC is the nation’s largest organization of early childhood educators. Needham Children’s Center, Inc. is recognized for consistently meeting or exceeding the national standard of child care excellence set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.